Leonardo DiCaprio recently faced backlash after a video surfaced showing him seemingly ignoring a traditional Fijian farewell ceremony at a luxury hotel. In the footage, DiCaprio, dressed in black and engaged in a phone call, appeared surprised as hotel staff performed “Isa Lei,” a customary song. Critics labeled his behavior as “disrespectful,” though some defended his right to privacy. Sources noted that the performance was intended for all guests, and DiCaprio was not directly facing the performers.
Amid this controversy, rumors have emerged that the 50-year-old actor is engaged to 26-year-old model Vittoria Ceretti. Speculation intensified after Ceretti was seen wearing a ring earlier this year, and an anonymous tip to gossip blog DeuxMoi further fueled the rumors. Fans expressed shock and amusement, referencing DiCaprio’s history of dating women under 25. However, there has been no official confirmation from DiCaprio’s representatives regarding the engagement.
DiCaprio recently celebrated his 50th birthday with a star-studded party, marking a significant milestone in his personal and professional life.